CS7260: Internetworking Architectures and Protocols

(Design and Analysis of Network/Router Algorithms and Hardware a.k.a. Network Algorithmics)

  Fall 2023, College of Computing, Georgia Tech


Class time: MW 2:00 to 3:15

Room: MSE (Molecular Science & Engineering) [Building 167] Room G021

Instructor: Prof. Jun (Jim) Xu

Instructor office hours:  Mondays 3:45 to 4:30. 

Instructions: Only one small group can be in my office at a time, and they must wear a mask (I will too). 

Email:  jx@cc.gatech.edu

TAs: Huayi Wang ( huayiwang@gatech.edu ), Jingfan Meng ( jmeng40@gatech.edu )

TA office hours: 
    Homework: Thursday afternoons 4:00 to 5:00 on zoom meeting
    Project: by email appointment

Table of Contents

Course Information and Objectives

Textbook and additional references

Approximately two thirds of the course material will come from the following textbook: Network Algorithmics

We will also cover parts of the following book (you don't need to purchase it):

Syllabus - Tentative schedule (subject to adjustments)

The reading list will be updated every week, before we cover the corresponding topic.  The schedule is approximate and subject to changes.

P. Valente, “Exact GPS simulation with logarithmic complexity, and its application to an optimally fair scheduler“, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), February 2008.
We just talked about the example presented in its Figure 1 in class.

Zhao, Q., Xu, J. ``On the Computational Complexity of Maintaining GPS Clock in Packet Scheduling'', in Proc. of IEEE Infocom 2004.

The ``standard" GPS simulator code, the caveats of which are explained in the above paper.

Xu, J., and Lipton, R. 2002. ``On Fundamental Tradeoffs between Delay Bounds and Computational Complexity in Packet Scheduling Algorithms'' , ACM SIGCOMM'2002, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2002.  

A paper of mine about re-use distance and caching:

Jun Xu, Mukesh Singhal, and Joanne Degroat, "A Novel Cache Architecture to Support Layer-Four Packet Classification at Memory Access Speeds," Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2000, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 2000.

Chapter 14 of  this book is devoted to the topic of augmented data structures.

Streaming Algorithms for Counting Distinct Elements (Slides)

I could not find the "Walmart example" I covered in class.  This one is close enough or even better.

"A sketch algorithm for estimating two-way and multi-way associations"
Ping Li and Kenneth W. Church, Computational Linguistics 33(3), 305-354, 2007

Group Project

1. A research project that produces new network algorithmics solutions, e.g., new packet classfication techniques, new network data streaming and sketching algorithms,  or new switching algorithms.

2. An in-depth survey of a core or emerging network algorithmics topic, e.g., on new network data sketching algorithms that have emerged in the past several years.

3. I have several "pet projects" that I desperately need people to work on.



A few regular homework assignments and possibly a programming assignment will be distributed during the semester.

There is no exam this semester. Instead, the homework assignments will contain past exam questions, and as a result account for 40% of the course grade. Hence, you are strictly prohibitted from copying each other's solutions. Violators will be aggressively "prosecuted".


Course Policies